Our eyes are the gift that allow us to witness the magic of beauty.
Or… is it the beauty of magic?
I am a lover of looking at things, which is why Photography excites me.
In freezing time, we are given a magicians view of the world.
The photograph is a phenomenon of abstraction in its very nature.
I love it.
In the removal of time, we can to dissect the moment and look at the world for an unnatural duration.
Allowing the briefest of moments to be captured in the potentially infinite lifespan of a photograph.
With a photograph we can journey deeper into the frozen moment, to reveal the architecture of the most brief of moments, describing our physical environment as well as the photographers intention, story, question.
Questions excite me.
They give birth to possibility, to curiosity and to listening.
I guess thats why I love abstract imagery. It opens all kinds of questions as to what im looking at, what the intentions are, and where my response comes in.
It reminds me that life is incredible.
And I can breathe again.
I use photography to illustrate my feelings of being alive.
Where I find myself in the midst of all this life.
Just another expression of life in a sea of beings on a living planet, yet a unique formation of chance, expressing life in my own way, for the first time ever (possibly).
Thanks for checking out my website.
Watch this space!